The main idea of black holes came after the famous papers of Albert Einstein published in 1915 (General theory of Relativity) where gravity is proposed as the curvature of the space-time fabric. The denser the object, the more it curves the fabric of Spacetime, the more the curvature is the stronger the gravity becomes. Before that, it was called by different names such as dark stars, gravitationally collapsed objects. The name “Blackhole” came in the late 1960s. There is so much mass squeezed into such a small volume that nothing can escape it.īlackhole is named after a prison in Calcutta (modern day Kolkata) where prisoners went in but never came out. Since, nothing can travel faster than light, it is impossible to escape from a black hole. To get out of a black hole, the speed of person should be greater than the speed of light. Black holes are the most extreme example of this, where the escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. The stronger the force of gravity, the higher the escape velocity you need. There is a black hole present at the center of every galaxy in our universe. INDIA: Blackhole is perhaps the most astonishing paradox in the known universe.